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Digest entry: 04/14/2024 @ 07:32 AM

THURSDAY: A Talk and Conversation with Nghi Vo (Hannah Kim)

Thursday, April 18

Mass Hall Faculty Room (3rd floor)

Masking requested

Join Nghi Vo for a conversation and reading of her work, co-moderated by Professor Belinda Kong and Isabelle Lee ‘25. Books will be available for purchase at the event, followed by a book signing. 

Nghi Vo is the author of the novels Siren Queen and The Chosen and the Beautiful as well as the acclaimed novellas of the Singing Hills Cycle, which began with The Empress of Salt and Fortune. The series entries have been finalists for the Locus Award and the Lambda Literary Award and have won the Crawford Award, the Ignyte Award, and the Hugo Award. Born in Illinois, she now lives on the shores of Lake Michigan. She believes in the ritual of lipstick, the power of stories, and the right to change your mind.

Sponsored by: Asian American Reckonings Initiative, Office of the Dean for Academic Affairs, Asian Studies Program, John F. and Dorothy H. Magee Fund, Christian A. Johnson Endeavor Fund, Lilley Family Fund.