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Digest entry: 04/11/2024 @ 07:22 AM

Rescheduled...AGAIN! Hoping Third Time is a Charm for Electronics Recycling Event! (Keisha Payson)

The weather forecaset for today's outdoor collection (rescheduled from last Thursdays snow storm) was pretty wet and windy with gusts up to 40mph so we are hoping that our new date - Friday, April 26th from 11:30-1:30 it's going to be at least somewhat dry outside. Read on for more details...

Have an old computer or TV that is taking up room in your home? What about old keyboards and broken speakers stuffed in your garage? Bowdoin is offering an electronics and appliance take back day this spring - read on for complete details!

WHEN: Friday, April 26th -  11:30am-1:30pm

WHERE: Coffin Street parking lot (look for the large box truck towards the back of the lot)

WHO: The program is open to Bowdoin faculty, staff and students. The College has hired North Coast Services to help take personal (non-Bowdoin) electronics off your hands.

WHAT: Recycle your old personal electronics (not Bowdoin owned). Examples include: TVs, computers, CRT computer monitors (glass) and LCD monitors, laptops, wires, cables, adapters, power supplies, internal computer components, cell phones, game consoles, non-automotive rechargeable batteries, radios, satellite gear, network devices, VCRs, DVD players, desktop scanning and printing devices (including fax machines and typewriters). Small appliances also accepted, like microwaves and toaster ovens (but no appliances containing refrigerant such air conditioners. mini-fridges or dehumidifiers).

Sensitive Data:  For computers, North Coast Services will disassemble the devices and separate all the parts.  The best thing to ensure any sensitive material is removed is to reformat the system prior to drop off or pull the hard drive out and drill a hole thru it. For cell phones, North Coast suggests that recyclers use the "restore to factory settings" before recycling.

Have more question? Contact Keisha Payson