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Digest entry: 04/10/2024 @ 06:29 AM

THURSDAY: Melding Gold to Steel: The Late Russian Empire in Putin's Russia, with Joe Colleyshaw (Sandy Kauffman)

Thursday, April 11 at 7:00 pm

Searles 315

The past looms large in Putin's Russia, with an eclectic historical pantheon emerging that is regularly used to justify contemporary domestic and political choices. However, the final throws of the Russian Empire, c.1905-1917 continue to be a point of consternation for the Putinist narrative of 1,000 unbroken years of Russian history. In this talk, Joe will discuss attempts to rehabilitate this period within the official Russian cultural discourse through the use of museums, schools and monuments.

Joe Colleyshaw is currently the Deans' Faculty Fellow and Visiting Assistant Professor in Slavic Studies at Brown University. He received his PhD in Slavic Studies from Brown in 2023, as well as MA's in Political Science from Brown, Russian and Eurasian Studies from Leiden University and Modern History and Russian from the University of St Andrews. His research focuses on historical cultural discourse in Putin's Russia and the relationship Russia's imperial past has to the present.

Sponsored by the Department of Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, with the generous support of a loyal Bowdoin family.